Join us as an official partner

Join us as an official partner if your organisation is interested in Responsible AI research, innovation and skills. We are looking for partners including businesses, funders, charities, creative organisations, industry associations, think tanks and more.

Find out more and sign up: Partner Network

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Join a Town Hall event

Town Halls will convene UKRI investments, key stakeholders, and the research community (senior researchers and early career researchers) to learn about and help shape RAi UK’s plans.

London Town Hall Presentations, Presentation slides and Photo Gallery

Images from the Belfast, Glasgow and Cardiff Town Halls can be viewed in the relevant gallery.

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Invite us to your events

We’re here to listen as well as recommend. We’re always keen to be in touch with funders, government, civil society and industry to present our plans, gather feedback and connect.

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Apply to join RAi UK’s working groups

These will be formed around key themes and application areas. Led by members of the RAi UK Leadership team, they will include experts from existing UKRI investments, industry, government, the third sector and early-career researchers. Working groups will have admin support and funds to run their own calls for proposals.

Calls and invitations to join will be issued in the next few months.

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Join the RAi UK peer review college

A diverse multi-disciplinary community of academic and industry experts who will review proposals received in response to various RAi UK funding calls.

The invitations will be issued shortly.

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Collaborate with RAi UK researchers

Join the coordinating Keystone project (CKP) that will run alongside other keystone projects. Researchers involved in the CKP will aim to build collaborations with industry, academia, and government.

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Apply to join the RAi UK Strategy Group

Formed from existing UKRI investments, industry, government, academia, as well as people leading large RAi UK projects. Additional members to be recruited by invitation or an application process designed by the leadership team together with the wider community.

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